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In this tutorial, I'll create a database for the candy store to show the basic AnnaDB features.


The Connection class is used to connect to the AnnaDB

from annadb import Connection

conn = Connection.from_connection_string("annadb://localhost:10001")

Insert primitive

let's start with categories. Let's represent categories as simple string objects. To do so let's insert the first one into the categories collection.



categories = conn["categories"]

response = categories.insert_one("sweets").run()

There are two insert operators - insert and insert_one.

  • insert - operator to insert one or many objects. Response data is a list of links (ids). Meta - number of inserted items.
  • insert_one - operator to insert a single object. Response data is a link.

Let's get the inserted id


sweets_id =

Insert container

Let's insert a more complicated object now - a chocolate bar. It will have fields:

  • name
  • price
  • category

For the category, I'll use the already created one.


products = conn["products"]

response = products.insert_one(
        "name": "Tony's",
        "price": 5.95,
        "category": sweets_id

tony_id =

The query is similar to the previous one, but the object is not a str, but a dict. The value of the category field is a link, that was received after the previous insert.

Get object

Let's retrieve the information about this chocolate bar now.

There are two ways to get objects by link: get and get_one. You can pass any number of links to the get operator. It will return an ordered dict of the link-object pars. get_one operator is used to get a single object.


response = products.get_one(tony_id).run()


>> > sweets

The category was fetched automatically and the value was returned.

Let's insert another chocolate bar there to have more objects in the collection:


response = products.insert_one(
        "name": "Mars",
        "price": 2,
        "category": sweets_id

mars_id =

I use the same category id for this bar.

Modify primitive

Let's modify the category to make it more accurate.


from annadb import Set, root

categories.get(sweets_id).update(Set({root: "chocolate"})).run()

The query here consists of 2 steps. Get the object by link step and modify this object step.

The root object is a pointer to the value to update. For Vector and Map object it works a starting point in the path like

Let's take a look, at how this affected the chocolate objects.


response = products.all().run()

for k, v in

>>> chocolate
>>> chocolate

The category was changed for both products, as the category object was linked with these objects.

Modify container

Now I'll increase the price of the bars, where it is less than 2

from annadb import Inc

products.find(root.price < 3).update(Inc({root.price: 2})).run()

The find step can stay before the update step as well. All the found objects will be updated.

Let's check the prices now:


response = products.all().run()

for k, v in
    print(v["name"], v["price"])

>>> Tony's 5.95
>>> Mars 4.0

Sort objects

To sort objects I'll use the sort operation against the price field


response = products.all().sort(+root.price).run()

for k, v in
    print(v["name"], v["price"])

>>> Mars 4.0
>>> Tony's 5.95

Objects in the response are sorted by price now.

It is useful to use limit and offset operations together with sort. You can read about them in the documentation

Make projections

To get only the name and price fields I'll use the project operation


from annadb import keep

response = products.all().project({
    "name": keep,
    "price": keep

The keep operator is used to keep the value of the field or subfield in the output.

To set a new field with already existing value I use root operator


from annadb import root

response = products.all().project({
    "new_field": root.category

It is possible to set any value to the field as well


response = products.all().project({
    "new_field": "some value"

Delete objects

You can use the delete operation after any find-like step to delete all the found objects. Or it can be used independently to delete the whole collection.


products.find(root.price < 5).delete().run()